Thinking of dating this girl that's a little bit older than me

3 months ago 43

Ok so there's a girl I've been talking to for a couple of weeks now. I like her alot she's so incredibly sweet and kind, and is hard working. She's planning to go to law school soon. Ever since we've talked everyday either by call or by video message.

She has sent me good morning text, says she absolutely loves talking to me, even said she's dreamed about me alot and even told her mom about me. We're planning to meet up in person in a couple weeks.

She's amazing, and it seems like she's really into me.

My only reservations are she lives about 2 hours away from me and she's a little bit older than me (I'm 30, she's 38). I know long distance relationships can be hard sometimes and not work out, and I don't mind the age difference, however she's talked about starting a family and having kids within a couple of years before she hits 40. While I'm not opposed to that at all, it's something I'm not sure if she is trying to rush into.

I also really like her, but I need to meet in person to see how I feel, and I'm not sure I adore her to the extreme extent she seems to for me (she says I'm super hot, sexy)

I'm very conflicted. I've met what seems like the jackpot, but I'm not sure if I should just go for it because she feels so strongly about me, or if I should really wait

submitted by /u/TuneLongjumping377
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