They tricked you

3 months ago 38

I was just thinking how it’s kind of funny but also not, that the whole conspiracy world has been typically linked to how the wealthy runs the world and how we are all just peasants or slaves to them. This community used to be very anti rich 1%ers, and yet somehow so many got tricked into voting for them thinking they will change the system. How are all these billionaires looking out for your best interest? They don’t even comprehend what it is to be someone that lives paycheck to paycheck, or worries about how much groceries cost but yall really thought they will make it all better. The whole conspiracy community has changed dramatically in the last ten years it’s mindblowing. The real conspiracy is how they did that to y’all. It seems like critical thought in this community has been captured by mindcontrol 😑.

submitted by /u/Wanderingpeasant88
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