They don’t want food prices to go down

5 hours ago 7

They want to collapse the dollar in a way that makes us grateful. The federal government is going to establish a cryptocurrency that is completely transparent in that every single transaction is tracked and every portion is logged and verified in every moment. It will not be popular. It will sit there quietly for a minute. The fundamental flaw in the dollar, that it is inherently worthless , will be “revealed.” Food prices, which will have stabilized, will go up and the dollar will go down, and eventually everyone will scramble to get Bitcoin and to be paid in bitcoin. We will be robbed of almost all the wealth we have in dollars in the process, but we will at least be able to buy food. Everyone will use Bitcoin until it is “revealed” that the anonymity makes tax evasion etc. too easy. We will be forced onto the tracked crypto. That information will be fed through algorithms and used to profile people.

Feel free to tear this apart. I feel the Bitcoin reserve is a sign, along with musk’s weird not-so-secret but quieted Bitcoin purchases and blackrock and other corporations that own each other’s investments into it, that this will happen soon.

Edit: I was informed of the acronym “CBDC” for central bank digital currency. That is what the federal crypto reserve will end up establishing.

submitted by /u/IFitSprinklerd
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