![]() | Who tracks unemployment? The Bureau of Labor Statistics. What has been happening with them I wonder? For quite sometime we have been feeling the effects of inflation and seeing nothing but positive articles about the economy. Trying to make it feel as if our grocery bills haven’t tripled in 4 years. Well. It’s all connected and we’ve got proof! The Bureau of Labor and statistics is just one of the important agencies that checks on how we are doing. It will come to no surprise to you that every statistic agency has been extremely underfunded by BOTH admins in the last 8 years. I’ll copy the link below. GREAT STUDY. A bit ago a bunch of really smart people came together and did a risk assessment on our agencies that track how the American people are doing! What they found: “We find increasing challenges to the principal federal statistical agencies’ ability to produce trusted, quality statistics. The increase in these challenges can be attributed to many reasons. Importantly, at least one out of three critical supports—professional autonomy, parent-agency support, and adequate budget and skilled staff— exhibits significant weaknesses for most agencies.” This is just them stating in a fancy way: Political corruption, lack of funding, and unskilled workers due to lack of funding are a huge problem. Pic 1- here is a graph that shows how the funds for these groups have changed since 2000. Notice how we had a huge decline in funding for these groups before the 2008 crash! Now we have less funding than in 2007 :) Pic 2- which agencies report to who- and how they are appointed. Notice how the ones we desperately need to be accurate- Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor and Statistics- are all presidentially appointed and not hired based on qualifications. Which literally has lead to us refusing to gather data on topics if it isn’t in line with the admin who hired them. Pic 3- the amount each agency actually got year by year since ‘09. Notice how over time- the ONLY groups who have major funding are the ones with presidential appointments/reporting to a branch that is heavily politicized. There is so much more in this document I could keep going. However it’s important to note that 1- How we get our reporting on inflation by the BLS (Bureau of Labor and Statistics) changed recently! To put it simple, like a cave woman. Instead of tracking the cost of goods, you know how any fucking normal person would. And saying “oh this good now costs $2 instead of $1. They say “cost of living standard” that’s based on pretend numbers in their head essentially. Very easy to fuck up those numbers. 2- they literally can’t afford to do national surveys properly. Now if you’re at the end of us this and thinking, well now come on. They have to be doing something right. Our stats can’t be THAT off. Guess how they track unemployment? Is it companies reporting directly to them? Is there a team to double check those reports? ✨NONE OF THE ABOVE BABE✨ The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tracks unemployment primarily through the "Current Population Survey (CPS)", a monthly survey of roughly 60,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau, which gathers information on employment status and allows them to estimate the unemployment rate Survey method: The CPS is a household survey, meaning they ask individuals within sampled households about their employment status. How do they survey them? Emails phone calls and mail. The response rates? ABYSMAL. Unless it’s from our own government/companies :) There you go. Now you know how they are getting away with this giant fucking lie about our economy. [link] [comments] |