They are Cloning Celebrities

3 months ago 48
They are Cloning Celebrities

Here’s some examples of Celebrities where you can see definitive changes in their behaviour/appearance before and after they were cloned:

Kanye West Dave Chapelle Kodak Black Jamie Foxx Avril Lavigne

Basically what happened was they used to kill celebrities off to take the profits from their catalogues, after famous musicians died the record labels owned all the rights to their music. So things like Bob Marley stepping on spike in his shoe that gave him cancer would occur.

Now they clone famous celebrities to use their likeness/influence to spread their message to the masses, as well as profit from these clones. The celebrities who get cloned are those who don’t sell their souls and speak their minds; aka Kanye saying way to much stuff such as “Jew” or talking about Illuminati sacrifices. It’s people who rebel who get cloned.

There is also celebrities who have clones/body doubles who are in the club (not rebellious) who use these clones to work for them aka perform, act, etc. examples of this would be when instead of a Usher performance you had an “unsure” performance.

Clonye West is the perfect example of this phenomenon. He claimed “if I ever go away and come back, that’s not me” he also sang in one of his songs “just watch how they clone me”. Kanye used to say completely out of pocket things, like calling out Jay Z and the Illuminati, or going on Alex Jones and saying “there’s a lot of things I Looooove about Hitler”. Dude was a straight up menace he was wild and could not be tamed.

Then he gets cloned and not a controversial Kanye statement would be something like “the worst thing is the record labels take 80% of artists profits.” This then gets clipped and made into a real/short as if it’s “Kanye being Kanye”. Dude was straight up doing his own thing gospel music, then he gets cloned and it’s “go make profit in Korea clonye”.

Then you have another example Dave Chapelle one of the greatest comedians of all time making outlandish jokes out of pocket humour completely in a league of his own. He turns down 50 million dollars to stay original. Then he gets cloned, his head grows and his special becomes woke jargon none sense. Literally 0 laughs 0 emotion just straight trash.

Then you have Kodak who has a clear accent and unique voice and style. He gets cloned and the clone goes on Kai Cenats stream acts completely unhinged, looks completely different, sounds completely different. Watch an interview of Kodak from 2016 and it’s a completely different person.

I know what people are gunna say, where’s the evidence? Source?

My source is trust me bro.

Lol I’m joking but obviously this is an opinion piece and linking tons of evidence is not my motivation right now. I will provide a couple relevant links though. Another good example of this clone phenomenon is the film “they cloned Tyrone” which is hiding the truth in plain sight. “If you want to hide the truth, put it in a film”.

There are great podcasts which explain the cloning phenomenon. Go on rumble and listen to the podcast “Strange Sauna”They have 2 amazing episodes about the cloning and its history. I can’t link them here or this post won’t be allowed to be put up. They had this technology since the early 1970s, but they decided to never use it on human beings. Just like in 1967 they signed “The Rain Making Control Act”:

“The Rain-making Control Act 1967 is a law that regulates cloud-modification and rain-making processes. The act came into effect on May 1, 1968. It allows the Minister to authorize rain-making operations for a number of purposes, including: Improving water storage, Improving primary production, and Reducing the risk of forest fires. The act also provides for claims for damages against people who are lawfully engaged in cloud-modification and rain-making. The act makes it an offense to carry out rain-making operations in Victoria without authorization. The penalty for doing so is a $1,000 fine or up to 12 months in prison. The Minister's written certificate is considered conclusive evidence of whether or not rain-making operations were authorized. Weather modification is the intentional manipulation of the weather. Common weather modification techniques include cloud seeding, which increases rainfall or snowfall. Weather modification can be used for a variety of purposes, including: Increasing the local water supply, Preventing damaging weather like hail or hurricanes, and Causing damaging weather against an enemy”

Obviously governments would never modify the weather if their is an act of law preventing them from doing so, especially with the risk of 12 months in prison. LOL.

Obviously they would never clone a human being either, because it is unethical. It’s a case closed situation where even though the technology exists, nobody would ever use it because it’s illegal.

Anyways this is just my opinion, that’s why it’s a conspiracy. It’s my opinion that celebrities are being cloned, especially if they have power/influence and cannot be controlled. Another method for celebrity control is MK Ultra mark of the monarch butterfly mind control like what is happening to Brittany Spears, but that’s a story for another day. Here’s a music video about celebrities being cloned. If it’s in a song, and it’s in a Netflix movie, based on the laws of physics, and the truth of science, it must be real.

submitted by /u/JmoneyHimself
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