There’s so much in life I gotta fix about me but I don’t even know where to start and I haven’t done anything because of that. Any help prioritizing?

3 months ago 45

I don’t know how I can improve myself I have way too much wrong with me.

I’m an overweight brown male who’s 5’6 which is a red flag in itself to women everywhere. On top of that I’m a 26 yo virgin. I don’t want to be a virgin I want to go on dates but guess what women don’t exactly match with short overweight brown guys on dating apps. Women will pick absolute jerks who cheat and mistreat them over a virgin. Goes to show how much being an older virgin is considers bad in our society. Women will consider it worse than a rapist

On top of that I’m in a very mundane field. I’m a healthcare professional (pharmacist)who most of the time gets yelled at by nurses and doctors and isn’t even considered an important part of the team. I had to move to a new city for th job and am lonely and know no one.

I wanna go to a therapist but am too scared I’ll just waste their time. I had such plans for my life, I wanted to go farther in my career than I am now. I wanted to go on dates and show some girl s fun time because even though virgins are worse than human beings, I love trivia, and sports, and music and used to love life. I’m not a bad guy I swear on my mother.

I want to lose weight because it’s affecting my heart, but I don’t see a point I’m too fat and honest why should I do something to prolong my life.

I love my parents too much to end it plus I’m an only child but all signs pointing that way. One more thing, these struggles show me God only protects his favorites he won’t life his damn finger for me even at my lowest point.

Now like an idiot I wanna improve, do I have a way back?

submitted by /u/ConfusedLad990
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