The world only values you based on what you have to offer

4 months ago 40

The title might be common sense, but if you think about what this actually means, the truth is pretty dark. I see lots of young guys on here always posting about how they feel invisible to the world and how they feel worthless. Yet, celebrities who are super rich and famous are always trying their best to remain invisible. Those who have had the experience in the limelight understand how it negatively impacts your life. To get to the point, people only "respect" you when they find out what kind of value you provide. I say "respect" with quotations, because they don't actually respect you, they just pretend to respect you to get what they want. But for somebody who has never experienced that kind of attention, they may not be aware that people are preying on them in a form disguised as "respect."

I use the example of the young man who is lonely in this case, but I can use a lonely young woman as well. I'm sure most women have had a guy they were talking to who in the end just wanted sex, but he was "respectful" and charming up until he got what he wanted. Take someone who is rich, it could be a man or woman. The fact that they are rich they can probably find a companion easily. But likely not for the right reasons. Most people are attracted to the lifestyle this person can provide and not the person who they are. Yet they fake that they "respect" you to satisfy their needs, or lack thereof. The sad truth is this is how the world operates. Or maybe I'm just a sad person who has this perspective. Either way, whether you are rich or poor I'm sure most of us have all felt these kinds of things before.

Anyways, for those who may feel like they are not enough. You should maybe reconsider it to be a blessing. Focus on what makes YOU happy. Find fulfillment within, not without. Understand that money is a resource that you need to survive and to provide, it's also important to leave a legacy behind for your family, if you were to pass away do not leave them hungry and with nowhere to go. Being rich is not the issue. It is when you make it known to the world, people all of a sudden treat you with "respect". When you didn't have shit, that's when you felt invisible. Do not seek validation. I think the realest thing you can possibly do is to be the richest person in the room without anybody ever knowing. If you build a connection with somebody this way, it's a genuine connection because they do not know who you really are. Most people wear it on their sleeve because they want the "status", but status is not inherently positive because it attracts people to you for the wrong reasons. Don't talk too much, mind your business, and focus on being the best version of yourself.

submitted by /u/koimaster94
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