the trudeau changeover

2 months ago 32

k guys, it's that time when the establishment tries to sell a story to the rest of you. what's the story this time? the exit of justin trudeau.

all of these actors are working together. there is no drama. this is all pre-arranged. you are watching the theatre unfold the storyline.

the reason i bring this up is that this situation avails lots of observational opportunities. you will see who gets pulled out of the wordwork to be trotted out on media. these are the folks who are also part of the big theatre company.

pay attention to who they are. they're all over the place.

pay attention to the attitudes they give off. you will notice very similar weird vibes from this crowd. this is a good smell to learn. it can tell you when you are around "them". they can't hide that smell. it's the smell of gaslighting.

anyway enjoy the show. work on your discernment.

submitted by /u/LanceHardwick
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