The System is Rigged And We’re All Trapped In It

5 hours ago 5

Have you ever felt like something about the world just doesn’t add up? Like every system around us is designed to divide, control, and enslave? I’ve been thinking deeply about this, and the more I dig, the more I see the patterns repeated for centuries used to keep people blind to reality.

1. The Illusion of Freedom

We’re told we live in free societies, but what does freedom actually mean?

  • Are we free when we’re born into debt-based economies that force us to work just to survive?
  • Are we free when corporations buy up land, homes, and resources, making us permanent renters on a planet we were born into?
  • Are we free when our media, history, and education are all filtered through the lenses of the powerful?

The system is set up to keep a small elite in control while the rest of us fight among ourselves, distracted by race, religion, and politics.

2. The Hidden Hand Behind Global Power

Let’s get one thing straight: The enemy is not one race, religion, or nation, it’s the elite class that manipulates all of them.

  • They fund both sides of wars while selling weapons to both.
  • They create financial collapses and then "rescue" the economy by buying everything at a discount.
  • They use fear and division to keep people distracted, because when the masses wake up, their power crumbles.

Who are "they"? It’s not about one group, but a network, politicians, corporate leaders, central bankers, and war profiteers who operate under the same self-preserving ideology: Control at all costs.

3. Israel, Palestine & The Zionist Agenda

One of the biggest examples of this manipulation is the creation of Israel and the oppression of Palestine.

  • In 1948, Israel was established on Palestinian land with the backing of Western powers.
  • For 70+ years, Palestinians have been displaced, bombed, and occupied, but mainstream media either ignores it or justifies it.
  • This isn’t about Judaism, many Jews oppose Zionism. But Zionism is a tool of imperialism, keeping the Middle East under Western control.

Why does the world allow it? Because war, suffering, and chaos are profitable for those in power.

4. The Financial Trap – BlackRock, Debt & Enslavement

While we argue about politics, the real rulers are buying up everything.

  • BlackRock and Vanguard own most of the world's major corporations.
  • They buy up homes, making it harder for regular people to ever own property.
  • They loan money to countries like Ukraine, knowing they’ll never be able to pay it back, so instead, they take land, resources, and sovereignty.

This is modern colonialism not through armies, but through financial warfare.

5. Breaking Free – What Can We Do?

If you see the system for what it is, you have three choices:
1. Live quietly, escape the system, and hope they never come for you.
2. Expose the truth, wake others up, and push back against the machine.
3. Resist when the time comes, because history shows oppression doesn’t stop on its own.

But one thing is certain: As long as we stay divided, we remain slaves.

  • Don’t blame entire groups, blame the elite class manipulating them.
  • Don’t fall for distractions, seek the deeper truth behind world events.
  • Don’t be afraid, because fear is their biggest weapon.

The time is coming when people will have to choose: Stay asleep, or wake up and fight for something real. Which side will you be on?

submitted by /u/sahannonis
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