The Struggles of Being a Girl With an Boy Name

3 months ago 33

hiiii, I just wanted to share some thoughts about being a girl named August something I’ve struggled with for a long time. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, and I’m sure some of you can relate. So whenever I’m setting up appointments or filling out info online, even though “female” is clearly on my profile, I’m almost always assumed to be a guy. It’s like, do I look like a guy online or something? I don’t get it. Growing up, I was constantly called Autumn instead of August. I get it, they sound kinda similar, but it was seriously annoying to correct people every time. I’d always have to repeat myself, like, no, I’m not Autumn, I’m August. And then there’s the “You were born in August, right?” question. Like, come on! Not every August is born in August. It’s just my name, people. There’s also the weird part where people think I’m joking when I tell them my name. I’ve had so many “Are you serious? Is that really your name?” reactions. It’s just my name, why’s it so hard to believe? Or, they’ll ask if my name has some deep, special meaning. Nope, it’s just a name my parents liked. But I get it, it's uncommon, so it seems like there has to be some kind of story behind it, right?

Honestly, I used to hate my name. It made me feel so insecure, like, did people even believe I was a girl? Was it too weird or masculine? There were times I really wished I had a “normal” name, something more common or feminine. But, over the years, I’ve come to accept it more. I’m better with it now, but it still bothers me from time to time. It’s weird how a name can shape so much of your identity, and I guess I’m still figuring it all out. Anyone else feel the same way about their names? Or have a name that doesn’t match their gender? Would love to hear your stories and how you’ve come to embrace it or not! :)

submitted by /u/Augie8Star
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