The Russian General in charge of the Military investigation into the biolabs in Ukraine, was just blown up by an IED.

2 months ago 31
The Russian General in charge of the Military investigation into the biolabs in Ukraine, was just blown up by an IED.

A senior Russian general was killed in a bomb blast in a residential neighborhood in Moscow, Russian media reported early Tuesday, in what Ukrainian sources told ABC News was an intelligence operation.

Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov was killed by an explosive device that appears to have been hidden in a parked scooter and set off by remote control, Russian state-affiliated media TASS reported. The explosion also killed an aide accompanying him.

Kirillov was the head of Russia's radiation, chemical and biological protection troops. Sources told ABC News that the Security Service of Ukraine was behind the killing. Kirillov is the most senior Russian military official assassinated by Ukraine. - Source

Kirillov gained international attention for investigating alleged U.S.-backed biolabs in Ukraine, claiming they were researching methods to spark a pandemic and frame Russia.

He publicly denounced COVID-19 as a man-made virus created by the U.S. government and exposed the involvement of vaccine giants Pfizer and Moderna in U.S. military and biological operations in Ukraine.

He went further and revealed that Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Investment Fund and the Soros Foundation were financing Ukrainian biolaboratories. - Source

Newly released emails, obtained via a FOIA request, show that Secretary of State John Kerry's Director of Policy Planning David McKean arranged for money to be wired from his wife's bank account to Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca Partners in 2015.

Hunter Biden's pardon from the president extends from ALL federal crimes from 2014 through Dec. 1, 2024. - Source

Kirrilov is the one who submitted all the evidence to the UN about Hunter Biden’s Metabiota, and accused Soros, Clinton, Obama, and Biden, of creating biological weapons in Ukraine. - Source

Originally posted on June 18th, 2010, the article “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” details how Obama, while serving as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. - Source

Nathan Wolfe is an American virologist, Metabiota founder, and Epstein associate. He was also the founder (in 2007) and director of Global Viral and the Lorry I. Lokey Visiting Professor in Human Biology at Stanford University.

Wolfe has been awarded more than $40 million in funding from a diverse array of sources including the U.S. Department of Defense,, the National Institutes of Health, the Skoll Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Geographic Society.

Wolfe was a consultant for the film “Contagion”) in 2011. - Source

The film is about a new virus that starts at a wet market in China, then rapidly spreads worldwide killing millions.

This is the same guy who was hunting down animal viruses all over the world, was studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine for 5 years PRIOR to the C19 outbreak, and was accused by the Russians of creating Covid-19 in Ukraine.

In 2011, Nathan Wolfe writes a book called:

"The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age" - Source

He warned that Humans are becoming more susceptible to pandemics and that we will see many pandemics in the future.

He claims the only way to stop these future pandemics, it is to hunt down new animal pathogens before they can jump to humans, genetically enhance these animal pathogens to “gain the function” of infecting humans (aka bioweapon production), so we can study these human-engineered pathogens, and make vaccines for them preemptively JUST IN CASE these animal pathogens mutate this way naturally, so we have the medical deterrent on hand.

This dude literally wrote the book on how they created SARS-CoV-2 and the “vaccines”. He wrote a book preemptively justifying his future bioweapon production.

But that’s not all. He thanked 16 people for their assistance with all the information in his book, and one of the people he thanked was none other than Jeffrey Epstein himself.

Pictures of Wolfe with Ghislaine Maxwell.

submitted by /u/External-Noise-4832
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