The price of Smifnoff has dropped over the last 20 years. Why has inflation not touched alcohol?

2 months ago 207
The price of Smifnoff has dropped over the last 20 years. Why has inflation not touched alcohol?

I notice no one really talks about this one but since most of us probably had a drink or two last night I figured it was a good time to bring it up. 20 years ago when I was buying booze in college a fifth of Smirmoff was $15, a fifth of Absolute was $20, a handle of Jager was $40, and a case of Bud was $20. Fast forward to today and those prices are either the same or lower. I think this is being done on purpose to help keep us suppressed. It's way cheaper to be an alcoholic than it is to eat healthy these days. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/mooseman077
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