The only difference between Trunp and the last 5 warmongering psycotic US presidents is that the mainstream media doesn't play damage control for Trump. Stop letting people in the media manipulate you.

3 hours ago 1

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.

submitted by /u/aaaa22222
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