the not-existence of destiny

1 month ago 29

Although the non-existence of destiny is supported by scientific arguments, there are still people immersed in a deep sleep, shrouded in fog and surrounded by the ghosts of illusion, people convinced that their lives are designed by superior forces and that they are heading towards a series of unavoidable events; the false idea of ​​destiny influences people's choices, with these beliefs life would lose all meaning, the infinite paths that we find ourselves in front of us every day would be limited and the commitment to achieve our goals would seem useless, causing poor motivation in achieving them; the acceptance of fate ultimately leads to a fatalistic attitude.

Taking into consideration the scientific evidence and based on the observation of the events that happen in the world we clearly realize that we live in the total absence of a preconceived destiny, the Gods do not impose anything on us, we are completely free in our choices, every day we have before us to us an infinite space of possibilities; we must not forget that choices and actions have a fundamental role in determining our future, in fact through actions we can face life's challenges with a positive attitude trying to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves; immersed in this condition of freedom we have a great responsibility towards ourselves regarding our choices and our actions because thanks to them we build the future.

In reality we cannot write our future as if we were writing a book, tomorrow will never be exactly as we imagined it, observing the world and referring to scientific thought we realize that life is governed by principles of uncertainty and coincidences that go beyond human will, for example if a few months ago the car going at one hundred an hour in a town hit me, now I would no longer be here and, despite my commitment, my plans would have died with me; we must accept the uncertainty of the unknown by acknowledging that we are partly the creators of our future and of the reality in which we are immersed; take the star you want while you can; thanks to action, to the manifestation of the Gods in the strength of our actions, victory is in the air but it is not a given, in any case it is important to act because action averts evil.

submitted by /u/5wizard5z
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