My friends are obsessed with male validation and it’s getting by really annoying.

4 hours ago 3

As the title says, my friends are so obsessed with male validation! No matter where we are or what we’re doing they’re pointing out attractive guys or on their phones talking to a man. And I get it, but come on! They literally ignore me when I’m right in front of them for men on their phones… Like I wanted to hangout with them but I end up hanging out with myself basically. Every time we go out to bars and clubs they always start talking to men and one of my friends wants to leave if she doesn’t find any cute men! It just feels like they can’t have a good time without male validation and interactions and it’s very frustrating because I don’t want every conversation and interaction to revolve around men. Idk what to do because if I bring it up to them they just brush it off or get annoyed that I’m annoyed. Help 😔

submitted by /u/spootermama
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