"The Magus" by John Fowles: Raising general questions I'd like to hear your thoughts on

2 months ago 31

I just finished it and I'd like to share a few things, and if you haven't read the book, you can still answer my questions. (no spoilers, or at a blurb's level)

First, I thank the kind redditor who pointed out this novel when I was exploring the true love sentiment in literature.

And before the points, a quick disclaimer: I'm an amateur, not English native, not trying to look like anything, not writing using A I.

Numbered, if you wish to send a quick answer or comment.

The Magus, by John Fowles

Overall appreciation

1 💠 A character is giving the protagonist a hell of a ride, and so does the author to the reader. It's like a roller-coaster with many sharp turns, and rolling upside down. At some point, one might think one will see through it, "okay, he's doing it again", but it still happens unexpectedly. That said, I thought I guessed about a couple of twists, and I was right for one, but the author takes it in account and plays with it nonetheless.

2 💠 A great book, well written, with a nice display of the craft, enjoyable all along. I'm not sure how long it is, but it is not short and still doesn't feel like a chore to finish because it is easy to read and captivating, with very few weaker passages. Just to be clear, because I'll make a few 'petty-ish' remarks after: I humbly acknowledge John Fowles as one of the Masters.

Little things I noticed

3 💠 Writing topic

At some point, the protagonist is thinking of not being a character, of the life and novel analogy, etc: This makes me see the author's personal and casual universe irrupting into the story's universe. Not like a fourth wall breaking, but like peering into the backstage. And I remember how others did it too. It seems they cannot help it, and I can hardly brush off the idea that one went the easy way to use what one is immersed into, obsessed with. Do you see what I mean?

🔸 How do you take this imagery on writing when reading a novel?

4 💠 There was a lot of "there was".

Well, not that many, but I found them standing out because I'm not used to see them that often for descriptions, except in amateurs' works. And reading a great author's work while being reminded at times this beginner's flaw is strange. I know I'm nitpicking here, but it's not deliberate: this is an involuntary, and most likely unfair, reaction (sadly, I can't turn off the habit of reading with a writer's eye that I try to develop).

🔸 Do you happen to (unfairly) notice this kind of unfortunate markers in the works of masters?

5 💠 Bland realistic dialogues vs flowery descriptions

Something that crossed my mind while reading the first chapters before MC going abroad.

While I enjoyed a lot the prose with the descriptions and the narrative, the dialogues weren’t this much interesting (also at times hard to attribute, but that’s another matter). It went as far as to me to compare the feeling to what I felt with Out of Sight by Leonard Elmore. Realistic dialogues, sure, but a bit bland (and too bland for me in Out of Sight, without anything to compensate).

And this contrast induced an impression—and I’m truly sorry to put it harshly, but it’s because of my own lacking in expressing subtleties—the impression that the author was trying too hard, switching from one mode to another, demonstrating his talent at the moments it would shine the most.

Of course, despite the enjoyment of the great sentences, that impression was getting in the way, taking me out of the story a bit.

After a couple of chapters, once MC is abroad, all is fine, the impression is no longer there.

There can be many explanations to this. I might be mistaken—I mean not reading well, because I'm sure of the impression I got. Or maybe this was intentional, the author showing how MC was almost bored with the other character. I'm not sure about it. Or it might be a temporary small weakness of the book.

🔸 Does this remind you some of your reads?

6 💠 Violence against women (a few sporadic outbursts, not a feature of the story).

I get this is a trait of the narrator who is not the author, but it was so well blended and ingrained in the character, coming as a very organic surge each time (three), that I couldn't help resent the author too. Not only the physical violence, but some remarks that were borderline sexist. I didn't check but I strongly believe that John Fowles is not at all this kind of man. Still, I somehow resented the author for writing this, or rather for making it so natural for this character we get close to.

🔸 Do you sometime feel uncomfortable when the character's traits bleed on the perceived author's true nature? Actually, it's more that quite often the author's deep self is revealed in his/her works (creation flow), of course, but while reading the logical flow is reversed (deduction, or inference?).

💠 That's all. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/Notamugokai
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