The LA fires are a prelude. Keep an eye on it this year.

1 month ago 69

I haven't posted in quite some time as I like to take breaks mentally from absorbing so much stuff online and in the news but with so much going on I felt I needed to take a moment and see what r/conspiracy was saying.

As we all know 15 minute cities have been the talk of the town for a couple of years now and especially with certain events that have taken place(Maui). LA is not exempt from this and in fact has been brought up for a few years now.

Another interesting thing to note is that insurance companies pulled fire protection sections of claims not too long ago for some California residents. - and no that is not a conspiracy. This is actually true. Their reasoning? - "the decision to cut coverage in at-risk areas of the state was one they were "reluctant" to make, but that was necessary for the future of the company." State Farm seems to be full of themselves.

I get it - it costs a LOT of money to repair homes after fire damage and most of the time the house is not able to be saved obviously so it's a nightmare all over the place for the family involved and adjusters.

Interesting to note is how many people have left California in the last 5 years alone due to the increased cost of living and is no longer the destination people thought it once was - especially around Los Angeles.

With the fires raging this is only going to cause more of a mass exodus in the coming months and people seeking cheaper areas to live without the risk of fires.

What is the conspiracy here you say? what is the point of all this you ask? That stands as a question that could be debated. As for my personal opinion - I am on the fence and I try to remain cynical every year that passes but my soul leans towards this being used as a means to bring 15 minute cities to life in key areas. Pushing people out of surrounding areas and decreasing population by a large margin. After the fires settle and people have found other places to live - companies can then come in and buy up the lands for cheaper than you think(check out Maui land sales currently ongoing).

r/conspiracy is a discussion based forum and I hope we can continue to discuss things like this in a fact based manner. I have presented facts with some cynism thrown in and my thoughts surrounding what could come of it. I want to know what you all think.

submitted by /u/Crangrapejoose
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