Just as Jimmy Saville was a prolific pedophile and rapist in the 1970s who had connections to Prince Andrew and other Royals, the Grooming gang scandal which began in the 1970s had royal and elite connections. The scandal was hushed and the police were bribed to cover it up. As a result, many politicians and officials risk losing their positions and wealth to face criminal charges and want it shut down. The tactics used by the police to intimidate victims, to bribe them and to even send threats of violence and death threats against them to keep them silent also prove blackmail.
In addition to this, the UK has become a police state which uses police to sniff out political dissidents and people who are against the status quo who might rebel against the liberal system. The politics have become distorted and subverted by political actors, NGOS and internationalists who have become lobbyists who push policies that go against national safety and public interests in hopes of further pushing their agendas.
I wrote a post about it before; but major countries like Iran, Saudi and Gulf Arab states are currently funding an islamist agenda by sending radical Wahhabists into the mosques to preach hatred and violence against the native populace while also currently controlling the propaganda and social media to influence current opinions.
Additionally, countries like Russia and China have funded media to push out anti-Western and communist beliefs in western society to further expand their influence beyond NATO. In many countries including the USA, communism is being indoctrinated and pushed by the education system, the media and even the news to subvert society into a state of docility. By controlling the minds of people, they are more susceptible to state owned propaganda.
The UK among many western nations has its fair share of Jeffrey Epstein scandals that involve their own politicians as Prince Andrew and even Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice were guests at Jeffrey Epstein's island. Many rituals were held on the island that included orgies, sexual abuse of children and many more. Keir Starmer is simply an actor who is being paid to promote further his agenda. IN my island, he was the key actor who abolished the death penalty of pedophiles and criminals in favour of ''human rights'' by arguing that it went against the principles of equality of man and rehabilitation, redemption etc using Christian values against us. Additionally, in 1991 there was an Islamist coup done by Al-Jamat Musulmeen where the parliament was infiltrated and many policemen and people were killed in the process. The Uk was involved in the decision to not put these islamists to death and pardoned them. They were released into society where they propagated their beliefs in ghettos to uneducated, impoverished men who had nothing to lose and became radicalised.
The UK is definitely a pawn in the greater game of what is to come!
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