The European Union has just approved the use of 'self replicating' RNA jabs that 'spreads like a virus' to unvaccinated people without their consent. Communicable vaccines are a Nuremberg violation, a medical freedom violation, an informed consent violation and a crime against humanity

2 months ago 33
The European Union has just approved the use of 'self replicating' RNA jabs that 'spreads like a virus' to unvaccinated people without their consent. Communicable vaccines are a Nuremberg violation, a medical freedom violation, an informed consent violation and a crime against humanity

So while EVERYONE is distracted by the boy in chains story. You're about to have your DNA changed via reverse transcriptase, without your consent or knowledge and their is nothing we can do about it!

Whether COVID and it's vaccines was an mRNA trial run or not, allowing them to brand our DNA with a permanent alteration like this should send a cold chill up your spine.

Marking our right handed DNA, against our will... sounds end-times, no?

submitted by /u/UniversalSurvivalist
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