The dream I had the other night about the Steve Wilkos Show.

2 months ago 98

Last night, I had a dream that Steve Wilkos had a particularly unhinged guest on his show. He was a man with dwarfism who beat his wife because he felt that she was his slave, and that he was her master. He also accused her of cheating on him with other men, and while her lie detector test determined that she had never cheated, the little man’s lie detector test showed that he had cheated on her. When his lie detector results were announced, the little man went berserk and charged up to Steve and started pounding on him wildly. Steve, however, being the big strong he man that he is, was unaffected by the little man’s wild punching, and he simply pushed him away from him, turned him around, and gave him a great big wedgie. Steve then held the little man up in the air as he was giving him the wedgie, to which the audience laughed and cheered “STEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!!!” Once he put the little man down however, the little man was enraged beyond belief, and he screamed at Steve that he would rape and skin his kids alive. Steve then said, “let me tell you something right now, if you ever laid one finger on either of my kids, I’d be raping and skinning your ass alive,” to which the audience cheered “STEEEEEEVE!!!!” Then, Steve decided to end his show a little bit differently by allowing the abused woman (who was like three times the size of the little man) to let loose all of her anger and give the little man a good beating right on the stage. She then roared out, “IT’S PAYBACK TIME NOW LITTLE BITCH!!!!!!!!!,” and she proceeded to brutally beat the little man to death on the stage while Steve and the audience cheered her on.

submitted by /u/Emperor-of-Epicness
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