The choice of happiness

4 weeks ago 22

One of the greatest tips I will ever give people is happiness starts within!

I know that is very much easier said than done but the only way to truly be happy is being happy with yourself and loving yourself. Learning to love life and be grateful for the things you have even if you don't feel like you much a all and life's falling apart

My high school literature teacher told us one thing that will stick with me for the rest of my life You are either going into chaos coming out of it or in the midst of it. Life will always be full of up and downs period. Its up to you how you handle yourself during those times.

Everyone said moments in their life where they think nothing could possibly get better I look back at those moments and I'm grateful for the things I've gone through that's has made me the caring person I am today. You never know what's going on in someone's world, be kind be humane we are all in the same boat one way or another.

submitted by /u/Hippiegirl4817
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