The best revenge is no revenge

2 months ago 29

I’ve seen a few TikTok stories where individuals have sought revenge on others even years after the fact

In my mind - seeking revenge means that you’re so emotional over someone else that you’ll go to great lengths to harm them in order to feel better about yourself

Similar to the adage “hurt people hurt people”

So in a way - that person that became a victim of revenge had some perceived power over another or an affect on someone else and because the revenge seeker felt hurt by them, they felt a need to kick them down or harm them

Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense to repeatedly kick someone that was never high up there to begin with, that didn’t matter to you, that didn’t have an affect on you / over you

But true “revenge” happens by living your life and being unbothered by them - showing that you can exist in a mature way or never allowing yourself to be placed in the same environment

submitted by /u/Parking_Buy_1525
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