that day..

2 months ago 26

imagine you were 11 years old and u were at school's sport class, the lesson was end, i was changing my clothes alon, no one was with me because i was the last one who clean the plce so i took my shawer, after i finish i get out frome the shower and imaging what, i found a boy in the gir's room, i still remaber his face, i knew him, he was older than me and stronger to, he didn't giveme a chance to face him he was stronger and whathappend happend ... I was too young and he was'nt nice with me, he was like a monster... after that i wasen't aible to stand on my feet for like 30 min beacse he was doing that to me for like 2H so how can i stand after that...

submitted by /u/IllBank5453
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