Hello! I have a question for those who are more experienced with literature than I. Most of my life, I’ve disliked poetry. It never designated in me. It made me feel more than I was willing to allow it, so I avoided it. Maybe it’s because as I’ve aged I’ve been able to identify my emotions and deal with them in a healthy manner that this has started to change. On a fluke, I read a few poems of Spoon River Anthology. I really enjoyed it. It’s exciting to discover how the speakers are all connected. I think I can see a lot of people I’ve grown up with in some of the characters and can feel blessed I myself didn’t experience some of the things spoken about. So my question is this…is there a companion to spoon river? Kind of like there are companions or deep dives of books like Canterbury’s tales? I think at time I may miss a few things since poetry is newer to me.
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