So Vivek is against anchor babies while being an anchor baby himself. Got it! What a phony scamming hypocrite. And this guy wants to lecture us about how shitty American culture is and how Americans are too dumb to fill American jobs.

2 months ago 35
So Vivek is against anchor babies while being an anchor baby himself. Got it! What a phony scamming hypocrite. And this guy wants to lecture us about how shitty American culture is and how Americans are too dumb to fill American jobs.


So Vivek is against anchor babies while being an anchor baby himself. Got it. What a phony scamming hypocrite. And this guy wants to lecture us about how shitty Ameircan culture is and how Americans are too dumb to fill American jobs. How about we start with deporting him and his family back to India? Trump spoke of ending birthright citizenship. Let's start with Vivek the snake.

submitted by /u/Regular_Witness_7014
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