I’ve noticed it with friends and family to the point where it’s become difficult to trust that most people aren’t like this. You have to search high and low for the few and far in between that aren’t. It’s not even a rich vs poor thing. Both succumb to it. Rich people can become braggy, selfish and exclusive, only forming relationships based on whether the other can match or better their material position, and poor people can become desperate and using, only forming relationships with people who can give them what they feel entitled to take.
Why does it seem so rare to find people who genuinely value connection, conversation, camaraderie? I want to run away to this idyllic place but I also fear (know) it doesn’t exist and so the answer has to lie somewhere within. I guess I’m just thankful for the handful of people I know who aren’t like this or don’t seem to have succumbed to it yet.
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