So I turned 33 today. Instead of going out or doing anything i just went to a coffee shop, bought a piece of cheese cake, ate it myself and drank coffee. And then went home to watch football. I Never had a relationship and i'm in my dream job with hobbies and some friends.... Idk whats in my future.

3 months ago 35

So I turned 33 today and I Went to work today and then went to a coffee shop afterwards to get my favorite desert and coffee. I spent time their listening to music and then went home.... I am doing my favorite things to do when I have my choice: watch football and chill...

I mean, I finally got my dream job and I am making over 200k.. I have hobbies, friends and a good life... i just never had a relationship and just feel kinda empty. Idk.

submitted by /u/Sea_Preparation6391
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