Sick dad

3 months ago 37

Hi me (24 y/o female) still lives at home with my parents. I’m current engaged and have a stable job as a nurse so i help out with finances and such. My dad is another thing. He’s been diagnosed with end stage renal disease and is too weak to walk & had a stoke where he can be demented at times. He’s a total care patient that needs full attention. I help out at times but my mother is the primary caregiver as she works as a CNA 5x a week. I’m struggling with this whole adjustment because i find myself not liking that my mom, when she’s not home, puts me as his caregiver automatically and i can’t make plans or nothing. My days off are dedicated to him no if or buts about it. i feel like A hole saying this but my dad is too much. He weighs about 180 pounds and it’s hard to transfer him from bed to chair to car. My back is already getting blown from this and i don’t have kids yet. I know that my mom has a hard time with this when she’s home being the caregiver but i selfishly hate when i do it. I don’t know what to do because i want to move out and pretend this doesn’t exist but then i feel bad because it is a lot for my dad and my mom.

submitted by /u/idkwhatimdoingwlifee
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