Sharing my experience how secret service ruined ruined my life.. I made a video about it..

21 hours ago 17

I’ve been sexually harrased, abused, tortured by the owner of a travel company called Travel Ways Egypt ( the local agency and partner of Dertour Romania ) when i discovered that they have been watching me in secret at home. All by the help of the secret police that are getting paid by rich pedophiles to put hidden cameras in people’s houses so they can watch them. Also they manipulate people to take advantage of them so they can later control them and make them change their religion and sexual interests. Please watch the long video till the end, since im describing everything happened to me and my family since i was a child.

These people also tortured my 67 yeara old father till he got sick and died.

They tortured me to sleep with a 7 years old girl, so I wouldn’t go public and expose them and what they did to me and to my family

They made my older sister change her religion to be a muslim, and then she just disappeared, and now for 14 years no one knows anything about her if she is dead or alive

The secret police that were communicating with me through hidden messages on facebook, were trying to convince me that befriend the owner of the travel agency I’ve been working at, that wanted me to be his boyfriend, as they consider him as a “money fellow” , a source which bribe them with money to proceed with their plans, and told me to be his boyfriend will be better than going tothe church “they gay club” as they like to call it

It’ a group of people that force people change their believes and religion, seducing them with money, women and children.

When I was 13, they put me and my brother in an orphanage, that was full of gays, and the secret police sent me the pedophile sister of travelways owner to try to seduce me to get into a relationship with her and her brother, all while i was unaware of their plans, and later when in grew up, they made me work for them with their Romanian partner dertour, trying to seduce me again

The secret police told after i refused, that I must change my religion to become muslim, as it is the only way to protect me and grant me a secured future, without people watching me in secret and try to take advantage of me all the time. Like this is the only way they can protect people and children from pedos. Which of course is a lie, since in Egypt, there are secret police member with their main job is to make people to convert to muslims

They used to send people to assault my mother and fiance and terrorize them

Please note I never done a video like that, but I’m doing it cause it’s the only way in fight these people. And it’s not for revenge, it’s to spread awareness.

submitted by /u/AntiAuthoriti
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