Seeking relocation options

1 week ago 17

Hi All

I 33F , am seeking to leave Los Angeles after my apartment was broken into and my catalytic converter stolen. I’ve been here all my life but I am growing unhappy with the high cost of living and crime. I have been visiting friends on the east coast and feel like I belong there. I need a change. I recently went through a breakup and am trying to find myself again. I had a child early in life and he’s starting middle school and I need to consider the cost of living that California has burdened me with. I’ll never be able to own a home on my own unless I move to the outskirts, and I want to pay off debts and save for my child’s future.

Things that I am looking for are beautiful nature, great school systems, body of water whether it be lakes or oceans, lots of activities, museums, etc. I am mostly blue leaning but don’t really care to be in a red area, I’ve found I acclimate well with everyone. I just want to be in a place that is accepting of diversity considering my child and I are both biracial. Low crime, job abundance, these are all important to me. Although my job is remote and I make 165k a year, I may want to change options. I love nature, I’m a foodie, I love fishing and swimming, i enjoy both farm and city life, and I also want to make new friends and eventually be in a good dating pool.

Any suggestions? I am doing my research, don’t worry but am looking for first hand experiences.

Some places I was considering but hesitate due to listed reasons are: Tampa, Fl (I have family there but I don’t want to deal with evacuating every year or losing everything I have to hurricanes and tornadoes) North Carolina (again storms, also unsure if there is much to do out there) New York (cost of living may be just as high, also rodent problem scares me) Seattle (similar high cost of living, heard unfriendly people)

Thank you for any advice in advance!

submitted by /u/maplebrownsugarr
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