Roman Polanski & Manson

2 months ago 27

What are your conspiracy theories surrounding the Manson murders?

I’ve watched countless documentaries and read numerous articles about the Manson cult. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood feels like such a beautiful love letter to Hollywood—it’s one of my favorites.

I recently watched Tom O’Neill’s interview with Joe Rogan. O’Neill suggests Charles Manson might have been a victim of MKUltra, and that Manson knew Terry Melcher no longer lived in the house and had even visited him in his Malibu home. He claims Manson went to the Tate house because it was a symbol of Hollywood’s elite party scene.

My conspiracy theory is that Roman Polanski had some involvement in Sharon Tate’s murder—it seems too convenient that he was “out of town” when everything happened. Plus, given his history as a pedophile, it’s hard not to question his character. What are your theories?

submitted by /u/TheManyFacedGod13
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