questioning life (self answered with contradictions)

1 month ago 20

to OBTAIN what do you want to obtain? -freedom(with or without seclusion)

why? -to have tranquility

how? -to feel tranquil, justify yourself -dont consider yourself at the center, look at yourself from a different perspective. Perceive yourself like others would. Find fault, dont try to fix the error(contradicting with feeling tranquil, but outcome will be absolute) accept the mistakes.

SECLUSION based -dont be stuck on one thing, create distractions and keeping moving ahead, no reason to look behind if the outcome has been decided, go beyond human nature to get a grip of peace. Free yourself from others if you are held back, control distractions, dont let the distractions distract you from your objective, create distractions to complete your objective

NO conditions -confront and accept -dont let go of things once, dont rush, dont let yourself create urges to go back

post freedom was it worth it? -was freedom worth it, maybe(no absolute answer) do you regret? -previous self left things in the past which created a void meaningful? the process seems to be more meaningful than the outcome, for obtaining the desired outcome, everyone does their best but post attainment it seems meaningless as sacrifices were made but is it really meaningless if some parts of the process had meaning. Maybe you were wrong to chase what you want, not everyone gets what they want and its for a reason. -adapt to the changes and dont burden yourself with the questions you cant answer.

CONCLUSION -nothing holds value, preferable outcome doesnt mean its right, everything is meaningless if you act upon it or force it. Nothing should be stopped in order to start a new pursuit.

EXAMPLE -// doesnt find its way unless you pave the path

EXPLANATION -dont welcome something which is not naturally belonging to you(selfish desires) -it would only accompany you temporary -forever isnt lifetime, duration or time is inconsiderate ———19——15——6——9——1——— Control what you can, be rational

Do what you want because you want to ,not because you are hoping for something in return -example- love if you want but dont do it receive something in return, do it because you want to

submitted by /u/No-Passage-7733
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