Questioning life and feeling lonely

2 months ago 110

I graduated not too long ago from basic training. I joined the Army Guard to help my family out a little and myself with college and all that. It was also something I’ve always wanted to do. When we completed everything at graduation, I felt no sense of accomplishment. I just thought of it as just another thing I did. Sure, I was happy I didn’t quit when it got hard, but that was more stubbornness than grit. It felt lonely too, seeing how happy everyone else was compared to how numb I felt. Then, all the other guys talked about the things they were going to do with their girlfriends and all that. One of them is even going to propose because he has a kid on the way. I’ve thought about having a family one day, but it seems hopeless with the way I’m going. All I can think about is how nobody back home is waiting for me in that sense. I thought the Army would help me figure some things out, and it definitely has, but it’s also made me feel more lonely and more confused with this whole life thing.

submitted by /u/Standard_Profile_393
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