Project Stargate - The AI Final Evolution?

1 month ago 25

I can't believe this sub is not talking about this, what's going on? That has my conspiracy brain going.

I want to make this post to encourage discourse over what this project will bring to humanity and how this will impact our existence.

So, what is 'Project Stargate'? Newly inaugurated president Donald Trump announced today a $500 BILLION dollar investment into AI infrastructure. Here is OpenAI's tweet about the project details:

The name of this project was used in a past CIA operation 'Stargate Project', in which the concepts of remote viewing were explored.

So, one could assume the selected name is not a coincidence. The final evolution of AI is not too far away, and the announcement of this project essentially confirms that we will perfect AI technology a lot sooner than later.

What will this final evolution bring? Transcendence out of the third-dimension? Global domination? Perfect reality?

What are YOUR thoughts?

submitted by /u/NeymarRealMadrid
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