PROJECT BLUE BEAM: Alien Phase has commenced

2 months ago 42

Everyone should read the book “Project Blue Beam” by Serge Monast. Published in 1994, Monast spent most of his life studying government psyops and he died of a "heart attack" in 1996 at his home in Montreal.

If you haven’t read the book, the main goal of Project Blue Beam is to create a new world order organized by NASA and the UN where religion, countries, currency, and our societal values no longer exist. The world is essentially put under a dystopian military dictatorship for “our greater good.”

Now how does this shadowy cabal do this? False flag incidents. If you are familiar with CIA’s MK-Ultra or Operation Northwoods, you know what I’m talking about. If you think the government wouldn’t do it, think again.

Their goal is to sow fear, doubt, and disorder - anything goes. They need to discredit the current world order which is based off the major religions. We see it happening right now:

  • Belief in religion and family values are at an all-time low in human history.
  • A major economic collapse like the Great Depression is coming in the next few years, which will usher in the use of globalized digital currency. Major institutions have foreseen the bank collapses and already have acquired thousands of Bitcoin in preparation.
  • “Scientific knowledge” is being planted and distributed to the public as fact. The COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines, and the subsequent lockdowns are an example.
  • Natural disasters will be an excuse to give FEMA almost complete control of the population.
  • So will riots and terrorist attacks (9/11 and Patriot Act).
  • Directed-energy weapons will be used. These weapons include microwave weapons for mind control (like the ones used in the Iraq War) or lasers (Maui fires).
  • And of course, they create and promote mass hysteria stories all over the news and social media.

In the last 5 years, the US Congress has held numerous meetings about other forms of life in the universe. "Aliens" are no longer a taboo subject relegated to tinfoil hat wearers and late night TV shows. When I was a kid, if you talked about UFOs, people would call you crazy. Nowadays, it's almost deemed as fact. Heck, even Obama has acknowledged that UAPs are real. We’ve seen Commander Fravor’s sighting of UAPs, the Miami mall incident, the Mexican E.T. corpse, and now drones. All across the world, there have been sightings of strange unmanned aircraft. Of course, the government has no idea what’s going on…

You may not believe it, but this is one of the most SIGNIFICANT turning points in modern history and 2024 marks the year when Project Blue Beam goes into full swing. The government is using various technologies such as drones, augmented reality, and holographic projections to simulate an "alien invasion" of Earth. The point is to create enough hysteria that the overlords can swoop in, take control, and become the new messiahs of the New World Order with little to no resistance. When aliens are invading, our individual freedoms will degrade and many of us will be all for it for the sake of "saving humanity." Bills have already been proposed and passed in the House of Representatives to ban DJI drones for "national security purposes," making it harder for the average civilian to use drones... while the feds have impunity.

Before his death in 1977, Wernher von Braun, famous former Nazi and NASA engineer that brought us to the moon, left us a chilling message: "don't fall for the alien card." He said that it would be used to advanced space weapons technology, which he found extremely irresponsible and pointless for society.

It's a lie. Extraterrestrial life, if it does exist, poses no threat to us.

Feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts, we need to make this a major discussion since this topic is getting a lot of attention with current events. I want to make sure people get the right details, because the media is going around calling this a "right-wing conspiracy theory" or "science fiction" when this is rooted in evidence dating back to the original government UFO programs of the 1950s. In this declassified CIA document:

... it is concluded that the problems with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations...

I have provided a video by the Why Files about Project Blue Beam for those who want more info:

submitted by /u/Professional-Roll283
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