Presidential Pardons are garbage

3 months ago 30

This is not meant to lean either way on the political spectrum.

Just thinking about how the recent news about Joe/Hunter played out and how that looks to the rest of all of us. The dummies that have to play by the rules.

Presidents do it. It's their right. It's happened before and it will happen again. But to me, it's completely fucked up. Overriding the judicial system you are supposed to obey and uphold, is an absolute overreach of power in my stupid opinion. I'm not singling out Joe, it's just the most recent example, but it exploits the "fairness" of a system we all know is already corrupt.

Sorry for the rant. But y'all need to pay attention to how much your precious leaders don't care about you at all. Try to care about each other instead. Be safe.

submitted by /u/Commercial_Menu4659
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