Pizzagate is still relevant

3 months ago 44

The whole pizzagate thing never got debunked, and is clearly real. The whole pedophile thing with the triangle logo is real. I always thought maybe it's not real. But after stumbling on something called boywiki and boychat dot org, its blatantly obvious this stuff is real. I thought maybe these are just parody sites or just a troll thing. Typing in boychat or boywiki on Google, the top results pop up, and if you go to the website, the triangle logo is there in the top corner. I am sick to my stomach, I reported both of the websites to the FBI and gave them the links. Im still truly disgusted, how can things like this exist? And why? On the boychat wiki, if you go to the bottom it says copyright 1995. Seriously? Why is this allowed?!?!? I can't dig into pizzagate anymore after this, I'm still sick to my stomach that these websites exist. Reading the bs that these pedophiles type on the website is so wrong. Please guys, report these sites to the FBI. You won't see any images but just messages from these disgusting people. Once I saw the logo, I almost vomited. I already deleted my history and am taking a break from the pizzagate thing. People need to realize this thing is very real, and not a conspiracy. Thanks for reading this but my rant is over, feel free to comment.

submitted by /u/whatcorey
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