Perfect moment feeling

2 months ago 34

Hello Everyone,

I’m currently spending a few days in London and today and yesterday i experienced quite an interesting emotion. I don’t know if i can explain it properly but it’s the feeling i get when a moment is just perfect. Now there a few times i can remember myself having this feeling in my life. It’s a stste of mind i wish i could experience on a constant basis. Today i had it in a cafe while sitting with two people i met at a hostel we all were in. Something at that table just made me feel completely peaceful and in the moment. Another time i had this emotion was a few years back when i took a break from cycling around town with my nephew and a few of his friends. We sat in a park and again something there felt perfect to me. I made this post bacause im interested in what moment other people might’ve had this feeling.

Please share your experiences!

Thank you

submitted by /u/AmbitiousGuarantee23
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