Pat Yourselves on the Back

1 month ago 51

Not a conspiracy, but can we take a moment to appreciate the shift in public discouse that has taken place over the last 15 or so years?

topics like:

  • Poisons in our food
  • Billionare pedophile cabals
  • Weather manipulation technology
  • Big Pharma
  • Excessive/suspicious payments to overseas beneficiaries
  • 9/11 discrepancies, Building 7

Many (if not all) of these topics would have been pure taboo in the early 00's and speaking about them outwardly would have labeled you a leper. In spite of that, they slowly osmosed into public discussion. Today I overheard a couple coworkers talking about "Big Pharma" (their words), a crackpot conspiracy theory term a decade ago. If nothing else this is a reminder to keep up hope.

submitted by /u/Beans4thechowder
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