
3 hours ago 3

The story of the 9/11 passport is one of the most ridiculous and insulting pieces of so-called “evidence” ever presented to justify the official narrative. According to the mainstream account, the passport of Satam al-Suqami, one of the alleged hijackers, was supposedly found intact near the World Trade Center rubble, despite the fact that the entire plane was engulfed in a massive explosion and reduced to debris.

Think about the absurdity of this. The black boxes, which are specifically designed to survive extreme impact and fire, were supposedly destroyed or “lost.” Yet, we are supposed to believe that a flimsy paper passport survived the explosion, the collapse of two 110-story buildings, and was conveniently discovered by authorities as evidence. This is beyond improbable, it’s staged.

This passport “discovery” was used to push the official 9/11 narrative and immediately blame the attack on Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. It was a setup to justify the pre-planned wars in the Middle East, starting with Afghanistan and Iraq. Just like the lies about WMDs, this was another case of fabricated evidence used to manipulate the public into supporting war.

9/11 was an inside job, a controlled demolition, and a false flag operation designed to strip away freedoms, expand government surveillance, and launch endless wars. The fact that people still believe the official story shows how effective the deception was. But for those who are awake, the truth is clear: the 9/11 passport is just one of many pieces of evidence exposing the lie.

submitted by /u/TreyinHada
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