One step forward, ten steps back. Taxes & Homesickness

1 day ago 8

Just when there seems to be even a tiny light at the end of the tunnel, it disappears as quickly as a dream. And now I'm left wondering, waiting for this storm of uncertainty to finally come to an end.

Meanwhile I'm in the motel room I live in with Mom, so far away from anything that feels like home.

What brought this about? I was due a tax refund of $1k and filed on 02/27. Last night I found a message that said the refund was used to pay a past debt. I'm eagerly hoping it's the result of a late night, weekend glitch. Perhaps weekend maintenance. I have no children, no other assets and have never filed for unemployment. I've never been married either.

If the refund's completely wiped out, so is our morale boost for leaving our motel behind. We have no other morale boost. If I wake up tomorrow and find that it is indeed a valid issue, I'll just want to cry. My mom most likely won't do anything but throw a bunch of profanity at me and drink.

Then I'm back to work, at a call center job that makes me very sad, on Tuesday.

All I want is home. That's all. I just want my forever home. I want to be under the snowy stars in Sedona. I want to dream. I want to breathe and finally start living.

Instead, here I sit, yet again on our motel bed, dreading another morning.

Any advice on the tax issue, or any of this at all, would be most appreciated.

submitted by /u/Chibi-Night-Jaguar
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