One of the craziest but truest things I’ve heard.

1 month ago 44

So my fav YouTuber Jacksepticeye said in a video along the lines of ‘you don’t miss the old me or, the old markiplier, you miss how you felt watching us, because you were probably a little kid who didn’t have responsibilities and you’d watch the videos after you got home from school.’ The more and more I thought about it the more and more I realized how true it was, and I don’t think it just applies to YouTube, it could be anything you did and maybe it doesn’t hit the same because you have to take on more and more responsibilities as you grow up. This may not always be the case as sometimes maybe the person or thing really has changed a lot but I find that most of the time it’s cuz ur getting older and you can’t just come home and watch videos until you go to bed.

submitted by /u/OriginalSuitable1277
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