OMG..How do we handle this?

2 months ago 31

Literally just an hour ago my phone starts blowing up with text notifications. I notice they are all from co-workers so I check to see what's going on. Everyone is saying "Did you get the pics too?" I'm like what? They tell me to check all my messages...and I found it. It was from Cate the wife of Thomas (not their real names)..another co-worker that I'm fairly good friends who was out of the city during NYE. It was a series of short videos and photos of her nude, masturbating, using toys..etc I was typing this Cate called me. She's crying and hysterical saying their life is destroyed. We talked with for quite a bit and got her calmed down enough to fill me in.

Apparently she was out on NYE and got pretty sloshed, got home and thought she would do something fun and sexy for Thomas since he was gone...hence the vids and pics.

She said that in her drunken state she hit group send and these videos and pics were sent to all 108 people on her contact list. Her parents, his parents, 22 of his co-workers, 12 of her co-workers...ever her dentist..on and on.

Thomas returns to work on the 3rd. We are all like WTF do we do with this?? I dont think this is just a little "oops I fucked up type thing" Crazy situation...I'm at a loss.

How would you all handle this?

I will try to update later.

submitted by /u/Vorathian_X
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