I don't usually post before actually finishing a book, but I have nearly reached the halfway point of Zadie Smith's NW and I'm really struggling to get along with it, which wouldn't be a problem in itself, had it not been for Smith being one of my favorite writers. I have practically adored everything she has written, fiction and not, with the exception of The Autograph Man and now this. I generally enjoy how uptgight her prose is, but I feel that in NW it is so much that it makes the narrative unnecessarily disjointed and incomprehensible, which does not make up for the complete and utter lack of a plot. Some really great writing moments. but that's a granted for me considering it's Zadie Smith. I will most definitely finish it because it's Zadie and I'm still optimistic for a pleasant surprise later on. But since then, does anyone have a similar experience with the book? Specifically fans of Zadie? Feeling kinda shitty for not liking it, especially since it was the only one of hers that I was yet to read, but at the same time proud of the fact that I have the sincerity to admit to myself that I am not enjoying it (so far), despite it being written by a person whom I consider among the most gifted on planet earth right now. Overall, very confused.
P.S: I found it unfair to label this as a review, considering that I have not finished the novel, so it went Discussion.
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