Nothing could be worse than this _ I need advices how to handle this hell

3 months ago 36

you guys probably remember from the previous post. I spent the night on the road, before i got to his house. I am sorry that I didnt add this information. *While i was drunk, i sought for possible help i could get. And i got help from a friend. she took me to her bf apartment (her bf joined his friends room)* I was grateful for her help but i didnt want to stay there much longer as the guy was also contacting me and i wanted to see him. Then i walked to his apartment.

On that night I told him, I was alone because I didnt dare to say about getting help and staying over my friend's place because i was scared that he would misunderstood me. So, I lied to him... But days later, I wanted him to tell the truth so i told him what actually happened that i wasnt alone for few hours.

The symptom like painful urination started showing 2 days after having sex with him during our first encounter. I thought it was the side effect from morning-after-pill but it was getting worse. I told him directly about my symptoms, he responded that he doesnt have anything at all. He also told me that he had some multiple sex partners before. In my whole life, i had sex with 3 men including him. The previous 2 times were with protection. With him was unprotected sex, and he was the first guy without protection. And i never had this kind of health problems before. And since after my encounter with him, i did not have any sexual activity or partner and i still do not have.

I was struggling alone but i let him know that i had sti screening test as i wasnt getting better.

So, my STI result was positive and it is curable one. All of these STI symptoms were happening already days before the terrible night i have mentioned previously. . I contacted him and informed him to get tested as well and to get treated, and i told him that i got contracted this infection from him because he was the only one i had sex with. He was in shock and told me that he wasnting feeling abnormal anything at all and why i was the only one whos getting the symptoms. He suspected me that i had a night with someone on that terrible night. He told me that if i could easily come to his house, i could also go to someone else's house. He said there could be possibility that I am purposely sleeping with men to spread STIs due to my past hateful traumas... He told me that if his test came back negative, we gonna have a problem. I tried to explain him that i did not have any sex partners except him and the symptoms showed days before the terrible night but he does not believe me. He said I lied to him easily about that night so my words arent trustworthy rn, and that some women can be evil and act out of emotion and can be manipulative.

i do not want anything from him.

I do not know how to cope with this kind of situation. I had traumatic past but i am not what happened to me, I am trying to be good and better everyday, healing myself and i have learned a lot. I do regret spending the nightout alone and getting drunk. The reason I lied to him was to avoid misunderstanding and i feel really sorry for lying, i did what i thought was right. i would never do this kind of mistake again. I only contacted him so that he could get tested and treated as well...and he knew that i was having the symptoms already days before the terrible night. I didnt expect those kind of words from him... i have a clear conscience about something i didnt do, still i am so scared and dont know what to do with this situation.

submitted by /u/Shoddy_Beyond2296
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