Not interested?

1 month ago 33

M70 here I'm usually pretty stoic about these things and not prone to complain or whine. But as I find myself in the winding down stage of life, I want to try to "stay busy" has so many people recommend but I don't find myself that interested in things that I might stay busy with. I'm not a joiner. Every time I try to get involved with groups of people, I end up regretting it. I'm not a sports fan. I don't have any real hobbies although recently I've done a little bit of disc golf. That doesn't go well in winter weather. I have some minor interests like working with tarot cards and cooking when I'm hungry. But I don't find anything that is interesting enough to me to stay busy at it. Sounds like a sad state of affairs, doesn't it? But maybe I'm just missing something. I'm not a drinker so I don't hang out in bars. And please don't suggest a senior citizen center. Old people creep me out.

TLDR: How do you stay busy when you're really not interested in much?

submitted by /u/Own_Thought902
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