No Im not gonna abandon my kids for you. wtf.

1 month ago 22

I am so floored this even came up, and twice, from two separate dudes in the past two years.

My kids are preschool age. I don’t have roommates. Moneys tight so haven’t had babysitter money since last summer.

Not a whole lot of free time for me, basically none. About an hour and a half a week when I don’t have either one with me right now and it’s not even every week.

Dating is near impossible, while that sucks, I have just accepted that my focus is the kids now.

I’d met single moms before I had my kids that told me they took 3-7 years before they had the time and energy to date so I kinda figured Id just have to put it on hold.

There’s been two guys I’ve managed to get a couple hours free to see here and there over the past two years, completely casual.

They both at different times asked me something that just seemed SO BONKERS I couldn’t wrap my head around why they’d even ask such a thing.

They asked me to come over their place and just leave the kids alone in the house.

Preschool age kids. Leave them alone To drive 30+ min EACH WAY.

I was confused and kinda offended they’d even ask such a thing. No dick is that good imma forget to be a mom, no parent would do that, why would they ever even bring that up like it was a legit option??? I figured must just be drunk and completely lost touch with reality. Again.

But eh, what would I expect from notoriously casual with everything dudes. No kids they mentioned or that lived with them so chalked it up to just not relating to parent life.

Then a few minutes ago I was scrolling Reddit here on one of the survivors of abusive parents subs, and in the comments people were talking about how their moms just up and left them alone for hours to entertain some boyfriend.

My jaw dropped cause it was the first time i realized some women actually would do such a thing (naive of me I know). And then I thought they probably wouldn’t have asked if someone else hadn’t jumped at the idea before OR they think I’m lying about not having any help at all.

So either they think I’m a liar or some gutter trash narcissistic selfish POS that would leave very small children alone at night.

I’m not sure which it is, either way it makes me think they do not respect my life as a mother.

It rubbed me the wrong way so bad think I’m fully checked outta those casual situations now.

I can’t even wrap my mind around the logic. Just absolute lowest level loser type behavior cause what real man would ever encourage a woman to put her kids at risk like that?? None. Just none. Yuck.

submitted by /u/Creative_Camel_8884
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