Why are redditors so weird when it comes to the Internet an social media?

11 hours ago 16

I don't understand why y'all are so weird about the Internet and social media and porn etc

Just because you can't handle using the Internet and socializing doesn't mean society as a whole struggles the same way. The majority of people out there are just fine hopping on social media for an hour and then going outside and kicking it.

I understand some of you have porn problems and struggle to socialize but the internet isn't to blame. Most likely it's the terrible parenting you had. But like dont try and punish everyone else just because you're failing in some aspects of life.

At the end of the day it's up to the individual to better themselves. It's not up to the government to coddle your ballsacks your whole life. Idk some of the group think on reddit is just hella weird. You don't see this on Facebook or IG.

submitted by /u/just_another_bumm
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