My path a little glimpse of healing

3 hours ago 5

Shy, isolation, doubt, trauma, childhood of emphatic failure, never learned to socialize because of bad experiencey. My parents did not very well on me no close connection or bond. introvert I though nowadays I don't know.

All of that are wounds in my Psyche. A cascade of bad memories result in to further away from my self and others. Like a deer limping and try to hide from predators. I am wounded and still bleeding.

26 now and I am on my healing path. I don't have social anxiety but have to learn to be with others. I can talk and no sense of fleeing l. I have a craving for people's with a Sense of serenity. After my narcissistic boss, or workplace in 2023. I am learning to heal and be with my self. All these years I try to avoided my self trough addiction.

I met good people not perfect but ok. I read about Trauma, psychology etc.. to gain information and pin point what is happening with my, where is my trauma or neurosis. Social anxiety was for me a burden,a wound I never looked at it because I didn't know anything. I know more.

It took me some time and working out. Now I stood last week on stage, still not perfect in my vocab, but I did. Not being afraid to go and see.

This a text of healing yourself and it can be better only it takes time and afford to face the trauma or pain and finally to cover up the wound

submitted by /u/DaydreaM2105
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