My life is a Mess.

2 months ago 90

Hello, I am 18 years old and I just need to post something, because I can't just let it inside of me. I never posted something like that ever on sozial Media and if I have bad English. I'm sorry.

First of. I don't have friends. An relationship or something else. I don't have any Healthcare routine or something, overweight, mostly dirty Room, can't get out of my Confort zone, because of social anxiety and play Videogames all day. I don't fond any Energy to do something, nor I have the money to do something more big. I don't know where to start and where to search to start.

And now I also have the trouble of getting in the Work life. I don't know what I want to be. I'm not really interested into anything. And again, social anxiety.

Many people say: "just do it" but.. how? I go out of my House.. and.. now?.. where do I go? Who should I talk to? Is he looking at me? Do I look good, or am I weird?

And now I'm sitting here in my bed. Tears in my Eyes, while I write this, but please.. don't worry. I don't have self harming thoughts.. I just want a few People making suggestions?.. or.. just a nice comment?.. I don't know, but thanks for reading.. and I wish you all a nice 2025.. I'm out.

submitted by /u/WeaknessThese8241
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